Touché: Las Aventuras del Quinto Mosquetero (1995) CD-ROM


  1. touche-rip.7z

    Ripeo de la versión CD-ROM española con cr4ck del grupo Hybrid.
    Textos en español, sin voces.

                ________   /    /________________________________________
               /____   /__/    /   \_______  \_______   \____________    \
        -=-=-=-=-/   _    \____    /   _  ___//   _  ___/     \/    /    /-=-=-=-=-
    -=-=-=-=-=-/    /    /   /   /    /   \=/    /   \/      /    /    /-=-=-=
               /____/    /_______/ ________//____/    / _____/ ________/
                   / ___/(-Hsn!-)\/             / ___/\/     \/
                   \/                           \/
                                    Proudly Present
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║       Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer (c) U.S. Gold           ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Cracked by │ Replicator             │ Release Date    │ Dec 8th, 1995 PM   ║
    ║ Supplied by │ Hoson                  │ Protection      │ CD-Check           ║
    ║ Packaged by │ Hoson                  │ Game Type       │ Point & click adv. ║
    ║ Stripped by │ Hoson                  │ Game Rating     │ 85%                ║
    ║ Requires    │ 486SX-25 CPU, DOS, 8 MB RAM, 27 MB HD                         ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  We're back! This game is KEWL! It's got a good portion of sarcastic        ║
    ║  humour, so beware! :) Featuring 640x480x256 SVGA hand drawn graphics and   ║
    ║  a nice user-interface. It's not far away from Monkey Island II, 'cept for  ║
    ║  the resolution. The main goal of the game is to retrieve the stolen will   ║
    ║  of William de Peuple, whose been stabbed in the back by some traitors.     ║
    ║  The game takes place just before the french revolution. Sounds boring?     ║
    ║  We can assure it's not, it's well worth the download.                      ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  P.S. Cyber is still working on WarCraft II multiplayer patch.              ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  ** WARNING **                                                              ║
    ║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                              ║
    ║  There is a network patch for WarCraft II floating around, supposedly made  ║
    ║  by Cyber/Hybrid including a HYBRID.NFO which is *NOT* written by me.       ║
    ║  Beware, it's a fake made by some lower standing creature. It also contains ║
    ║  a virus, so be on your guard.                                              ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Installation:                                                              ║
    ║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                              ║
    ║  Just run 'INSTALL'. Type 'SETUP' to configure your your soundcard.         ║
    ║  'TOUCHE' starts the game.                                                  ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  You MUST NOT change the installation path, it HAS to be C:\TOUCHE.         ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  CD-Rip information:                                                        ║
    ║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        ║
    ║  The speech has been removed. Otherwise it's all there. Make sure you       ║
    ║  have 'Voice Enabled' in the setup program to get the sound effects.        ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Greetings to:                                                              ║
    ║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                              ║
    ║  BlueWater, Celestial Wizard, ZEUS, TRC, Crackpot, Replicator, MindBender,  ║
    ║  and Excessive Knight.                                                      ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  The Speed Racer/Razor 1911: Leave the zero, join the hero? If that's the   ║
    ║  the best phrase you can come up with when you try to recruite U.K. ppl,    ║
    ║  no wonder you're so behind. Well, atleast you have som fun! hahahahha...   ║
    ║  Peace!                                                                     ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Prestige: Our crackers doesn't want to join you, so stop buggin' them.     ║
    ║  You were doing great on the Amiga, but your only solution is to convince   ║
    ║  Mok to start cracking on the PC. He's one of the best. Period.             ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                               Hybrid Membership                             ║
    ║                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            ║
    ║            Big Balls, BlueWater, Celestial Wizard, The Comanche,            ║
    ║            Crackpot, Cyber, The Doc, The Druid, Excessive Knight,           ║
    ║            Hoson, Ice, Jammer, Marauder, MindBender, Mad Gunman,            ║
    ║                Mad Monkey, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry, Physco Stik,               ║
    ║               Randall Flagg, Replicator, The Renegade Chemist,              ║
    ║                      Specie, Widget, Wildcard and ZEUS.                     ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                                Hybrid Couriers                              ║
    ║                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                             ║
    ║      Asmodeus, Bababooey, Black Magic, Chaft, The Comet, Crypt, [CuJo],     ║
    ║          Darkhosis, Mad, Practical Joker, Phat, Prophet, Rio & Ken,         ║
    ║                           Star Gazor, Ticker Ustasa.                        ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Park Central          World HQ      17 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  CP/Silver V   ║
    ║  Robin's First Orgasm  Canadian HQ    5 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  Big Balls     ║
    ║  Fatal Future          European HQ    6 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  MindBender    ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Central Station       Dutch HQ       2 Nodes   +31-XXX-XXXX  Widget        ║
    ║  East BBS              Swedish HQ     3 Nodes   +46-XXX-XXXX  Mr.Terry      ║
    ║  Druid's Keep          Australian HQ  8 Nodes   +61-XXX-XXXX  The Druid     ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Club Congo            Memberboard    3 Nodes   860-XXX-XXXX  Specie        ║
    ║  No Bitchin' Allowed   Memberboard    3 Nodes   205-XXX-XXXX  The Doc       ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  April Fools           Affiliate      3 Nodes   613-XXX-XXXX  PJoker        ║
    ║  Acheron               Affiliate      3 Nodes   214-XXX-XXXX  Bababooey     ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║  Lxxxxxx Axxxxx        FTP Site      50 Nodes   XX.XXX.X.XXX  XXX           ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║   Hybrid will now be accepting a limited number of North American multi-    ║
    ║   node boards for Dist Sites, if you think your board is suitable, e-mail   ║
    ║   us at the address below with what you can offer to Hybrid, and we will    ║
    ║   review your application and (hopefully) get back to you.                  ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                    e-mail:                               ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                       IRC: #hybrid                                          ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                       WWW:                         ║
    ║                                                                             ║
    ║                snail-mail: Hybrid                                           ║
    ║                            Kyrkogatan 40                                    ║
    ║                            Eurobox 179                                      ║
    ║                            411 15  GOTHENBURG                               ║
    ║                            SWEDEN                                           ║
    ║                                                                             ║
                                   Today's wise quote:
                               "Quality before quantity!"
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