Hi rick thanks for your reply last week. This what you need for your mac connection: You can use two terminal applications on both ends. On the Mac you can use the Communications module of ClarisWorks or a traditional terminal program. Lum used Microphone LT. The shareware ZTerm worked but had problems transferring files over 5 MB in size. However Lum discovered that the HyperTerminal applications on Windows did not work without a modem. Instead he used a shareware application called COM 6.9. His settings: Baud Rate: 38400 (higher rates produced errors) 8 parity a serial setting Zmodem file transfer protocol Set one computer to send the other to receive There is no hardware handshaking since there are no modems involved. Make sure to set both to recognize their respective serial/printer ports. Lum has transferred several hundred files between the Mac and PC over his camera cable. Edit Spam, Spam, Spam.....